Friday, May 23, 2008

Featured Creator- Robin Lynne

Today's featured creator is quite the Renaissance woman! Robin Lynne lives in Savannah, GA and creates jewelry, photos, and soaps.  She has three etsy shops- savannahsoapkitchen, takenbyrobinlynne, and byrobinlynne.  Woah!  I was so impressed with each of her shop's photos, banners, and creativity.  Check her out!

Your mother was a photographer, and your photos are full of color and excellent composition. Other than learning from her, have you taken photography classes?
I've never taken a photography class in my life. Beyond seeing what mom could do, my "learning" has been mostly trial and error.. (Thank goodness for digital cameras; I'd waste a TON of film!) 

Which is your favorite art- photography, jewelry, or soap making? Why? Or if you don't have a favorite, what is special to you about each of your mediums? 
I think my favorite would have to be photography. I can really express feelings and emotions through photographs, not so much with soap and jewelry.

Describe your creative environment.
My environment is a naturally beautiful city, covered with blooming azaleas and moss hanging from the trees. It's so inspiring to see so much beauty that wasn't made by man or machine. In our home, my environment consists of a comfy sofa and a cozy kitchen. I spend most of my time in either place, concocting new soaps, designing new jewelry or editing photographs.

The photography in your shops is excellent. What photography advice could you give to other etsians? 
You don't always need to have your eye behind the view-finder. I often "shoot from the hip" or place the camera on the ground and point it upwards to see what comes out. Try all the angles! 

Do you etsy full time? If not, what is your "day job"?
I'm a full time Etsian. Thankfully, I have plenty of time on my hands to pursue 3 separate "hobbies" and business ventures. It's fantastic!


Unknown said...

I am new at blogging. I have been just checking random blogs and I found yours. I am amazed at how beautiful this art is.
I am a professional photographer (I love color and art), and I appreciate you featuring other artists. I loved "Intertwingle".

Robin Lynne said...

Thank you so much! :)