My next featured creator is Charlotte Alexandra , and 34 year old Mum to 18 month old Molly. They live together in Newcastle, UK. Check out her shop at: I love her wonderful wool creations!
What is your favorite thing about creating? Why do you do it?
I NEED to do what I do, Creating fills my soul and makes me truly happy.When I was 26 I studied photography in London and needed to make some extra money as it's an expensive place to live, I started making greeting cards and it just grew from there. I found that textiles are where my passion lies. I honestly wouldn't know what else to do for the rest of my life if I didn't sew. I took alot of classes over the years and just experimented in the evening with different crafts.
Do you wet felt roving wool for most of your creations? I can see some items include knitting as well. Do you also needlefelt? Which is your favorite technique? Why?
I wet felt, I did a years course and just fell in love with it. It's hard work but the results are worth it, I also love knitting but because wool is quite expensive here in the UK, and because I like to sell my items at a reasonable price, I don't knit as much as i'd like. I have not tried needlefelting yet but it's on my list of things to do! Felt is incredibly strong and very easy to sew.
What is your creative environment like? Sights, sounds, colors, time of day, etc.
I always create at night, even before I had Molly. Ive always been a night owl and stay up most nights until 2am. The feeling of being up when all is sleeping is magical to me and the ideas just flow. I have a huge bookcase in my very pretty sitting room and it holds all of my materials, everything is within arms reach. I am trying to teach myself to sew on the machine but time is an issue, handsewing is a little limiting with some material so i'll keep learning. I have candles all around, soft lights and put movies on, I can work and watch my favorite films at the same time. And a big must is lots of cups of tea.........typically english!
Do you have a "day job"?
Im a full/time single Mum at the moment, In my 20's I worked all over, studied lots of craft courses and travelled around the world. Its great to have these few years in my first home, its tough juggling life when you raise a child alone but for me it just works. My one must have is my car, we go out and about and have a wonderful time exploring the countryside. Im incredibly happy and my work feeds us so im not struggling. When Molly goes to nursery next year I plan to go to University to do a part-time textiles degree. This is why I set up my shop on Etsy as I need to raise the funds! I want Molly to have a great future and ill work hard for it.
How do you advertise for your shop? Do you sell locally?
I have a craft stall here in the UK and I have a website that I built Im working on selling my work in stores but at the moment time is an issue as I handsew everything! Also all of my items are one offs so im trying to build up a good body of work to show. The thing about selling in stores too is that they mark up the price alot for my work and that's not what I want. I want to sell affordable items that people love and want more of.
Where do you get most of the ideas for your creations?
It sounds corny but honestly they just happen! I dont sketch or make notes. I just decide what I want to make, a hat or a brooch, I look in my material box and off I go! Its very natural to me now, sometimes things don't work and then I just change direction and make it into something else!
Nice interview...had to look further at you blog...since I love string theory!
thanks for looking! I just loved all of calexandra's answers!
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